So sorry for the lack of recent updates. (That's really an apology to myself more than anything- I meant to use this as a virtual scrapbook of the house remodeling process and I've just been awfully inconsistant about it. Surprise, surprise.) Anyway, a bit of a fire has been lit under our butts and we've been busy, busy, busy trying to get things all ready...well, livable. The apartment lease is up in 4 weeks and we still don't have texture, paint, cabinets or floors. That's the goal, and in that order....if we can get the floors down before we have to move in, I'll be psyched. Truly. Cuz, you know. Floors are nice to have. It's so easy to get overwhelmed in the middle of this whole process. I just have to remember
God provides.
We have a house.
We have water.
We have electricity.
And a lot more than we need.
We're getting there! Slowly, but surely! I'll update with more pics soon!
Our inspiration board!

God provides.
We have a house.
We have water.
We have electricity.
And a lot more than we need.
We're getting there! Slowly, but surely! I'll update with more pics soon!
Our inspiration board!

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On another note, we've started memorizing Colossians 3 with our village. I've really been needing to commit the Word to my heart, and what an awesome place to start. :) This week are verses 1 and 2:
"If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set you minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."
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