
Monday, January 31, 2011

Do What You Love

I've been inspired and blessed by Kara Paslay's "Do What You Love" art for quite some time now, and finally decided it was time for that phrase to be up on the wall where it could continually serve as a reminder to my musician husband (and to me) to make time for the things that we love.  It's a call to live with purpose in our vocations, trusting all the while that Our Father will take care of our every need.  I am challenged and inspired by it an hope you are too. :)

My version goes a little something like this.

You'll need:
4 canvas stretcher bars, assemble to form a frame (courtesy of the Hobby Lobby giftcard from my wonderful mother and father-in-law)
Leftover burlap large enough to stretch around your stretcher bar frame (mine came from a similar project, I'll have to post at a later date)
Staple gun (I have a Stanley Light Duty Sharpshooter that was probably like $10 from Home Depot a few years ago)
Black acrylic paint
Fine tip paintbrush

This is really quite easy and could be done a number of different ways.  Since burlap is pretty see through, you'll probably want to stretch 2 layers of the burlap over the stretcher bar frame, tacking each in place with staples.  Since burlap likes to unravel, be sure to fold the raw edge under before you staple, like this:

Pull it tight!  When you get to the corners, you'll probably have to do a little creative cutting and tucking to get the fabric to lay flat.  Then, just flip her over and you're done!


The next part you can do a number of different ways.  In the past, I've printed my letters out on computer paper, cut them out and then traced them onto the burlap.  While this had great results, it was a bit tedious, and not really something I was up for with this project.  Since that time, Andrew and I have acquired an overhead projector (since we're school teachers and all.  ..not.  Long story.)  So, I printed my (well, Kara's) phrase on overhead paper (using "Roadway" font on, and then shown (shined?) the phrase up on my new canvas, traced it (with my black paint and paintbrush), and then filled in the letters in to my taste.

It's sort of a reverse bus roll kind of thing.  But way more personal and inspiring. least in my book.

Watcha think?  Have you found some fun ways to display inspiring quotes too?  Or use up leftover burlap?

1 comment:

  1. You are so creative, Kae! And thanks for the reminder to do what I love... I need to make more time for projects such as this :)
